Thank you for joining us

Sunset from Steval (c) Ed Marshall

Thank you for joining the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust

Thank you

We send your Wild Scilly newsletter every couple of months, so you can stay up to date with the impact that your membership is having for local wildlife, and so that we can say thank you. You'll receive your first one soon.

We all know how special the Isles of Scilly are. Whether you live or work here or visit our islands on holiday, you’ll know how the beautiful landscapes and diverse wildlife get under your skin. We are determined to keep our islands special for everyone and for wildlife, encouraging species to thrive and protecting our wild habitats. That's why we are so grateful for your support.

The Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust works tirelessly to look after around half the islands, for people and wildlife. We manage 700ha of the islands for nature (including the coastlines, heath and moorlands and wetlands). We clear 85km of paths annually so that people can access spectacular wild places. We monitor and carry out conservation for iconic species, from grey seals to seabirds, bats to rare plants. This year, we have worked with 250 local school age children. Our ambition for the archipelago and its wildlife is limitless.

Find out more about some of the species your membership is protecting.

Manx Shearwater (c) Ed Marshall

Manx Shearwater (c) Ed Marshall

Manx shearwater

Manx shearwater

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Grey seal

Grey seal

Grey seal

Grey seal

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Dwarf pansy (c) Lucy McRobert

Dwarf pansy (c) Lucy McRobert

Dwarf pansy

Dwarf pansy

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